We live in evolving times and never has there been more opportunity to find new ways to get out of the rat race and start an exciting new career. It’s every man and woman’s dream to work in an interesting field that they are passionate about, and of course, to work on their own terms and be their own boss. Becoming a Kambo practitioner fits the bill on both counts allows one this life of freedom.
There are, of course, others who already have established careers in healing modalities and with the recent global trend of holistic healing and cleansing, are looking at new treatments to offer their clients. Kambo is a fantastic string to add to one’s bow.
So how would you start on this epic journey with the frog? You’re in luck because I’ve detailed my 7 steps to becoming a Kambo practitioner below.
1. Get clear on your intentions
When starting any new endeavour, the first thing you should do before you even begin the journey is to find your “Why?”. Get clear on exactly why it is that you want to work with Kambo.
Is it to heal personal trauma?
Are you a “lightworker” and see Kambo as a natural extension to your work?
Do you feel this is your higher purpose?
Find the answer to this question first, as this will help to shape the journey ahead of you. Once you know why you want to work with Kambo then you have an easy reference for motivation when you begin walking this path. There will be good and bad times ahead so “keeping your eyes on the prize” and having a clear intention that you can refer back to will keep you motivated to stay the course.
2. Research
Do your due diligence. Watch videos, read books and articles and get as clued up about Kambo as you can. Get a good foundational understanding and this will really help you to make a good decision when it comes to choosing a practitioner or company to take training with. Once you feel you have a fundamental understanding of what Kambo is about then begin to compare your training options. You can open them in different tabs in your browser, make a comparison and weigh up the pros and cons of each option.
Things to consider:
What is the cost of the training?
Are there going to be any hidden fees?
Do you need to factor in travel and accommodation expenses?
How close is the training venue to you?
Are you going to have to travel to another country to do the training?
Will you need to take time off from your current job to do the training?
Do they supply you with any course material?
Do they supply you with any equipment?
Do you trust them as a company/individual?
What do you know about them?
Do they have a good reputation?
Do they put out a lot of online content such as videos and articles so you can see what they are really about?
Customer service
Do they respond to your emails in a timely fashion?
Can you book a call with them to discuss the training?
How reachable are they?
Do they respond to comments on their social media?
Is there any ongoing support after the training?
Do they offer an apprenticeship?
Are you joining a community of practitioners?
Client reach
Will they be able to assist you in getting clients once qualified?
Are they going to be able to assist you in reaching your endgame?
3. Assist
Find a regular Kambo ceremony near you and see if you can assist. This wouldn’t be actually applying Kambo but general assistance such as helping people to the toilet, helping set up the ceremony and cleaning buckets etc. The more you can immerse yourself in a ceremonial environment the more you’ll learn about how to run a ceremony and how people react to Kambo. One of the most important parts of the learning process with Kambo is the practical side. Take mental notes of what is happening and how people are reacting to the medicine. This will set you up nicely to move into learning how to actually give Kambo.
4. Figure out your endgame
Start to put an action plan together. Think about how you are going to make this work. It’s one thing, learning how to give Kambo, it’s another being successful doing it. Will the company that you are training with assist you in setting up your own practice? Will they be able to feed you clients and if so will they charge you for this service? If they don't help you build a network of clients how do you plan on creating exposure? Giving diligent thought to the potential end variables before you invest costly training could help you avoid unforeseeable future roadblocks and setbacks.
5. Become intimate with the medicine
In order to be a great Kambo practitioner you yourself need to take Kambo regularly; especially at the beginning of your journey. Regular self application of Kambo is very important as you begin to build a relationship with it. The more you work with it, the more you will develop the experience of how it feels to go through the Kambo process in detail, and this will really help you to skillfully guide clients through their own process. Processes can be difficult so knowing your way through a Kambo process like it’s the "back of your hand" is crucial. Also, by working with Kambo frequently yourself, you will start to develop your own intuition when working in ceremony and the spirit of Kambo will start to flow through you. The value of this cannot be understated.
6. Start small and then scale it up when ready
When you first qualify, start slowly and gradually build up, always making sure you are able to comfortably manage your current practice. To begin with, you can just treat family and friends and do self application to practice. As you gain more experience and confidence you can start to work with new clients and increase the number of people you treat in one session. As your confidence grows you can seek out assistants and start to run bigger ceremonies if you choose to. There’s a limit to how many people you can safely treat on your own, so in order to grow you’re going to need assistants who you can take under your wing and mentor.
7. Online profile
If you’re going to be successful and have a regular supply of clients you’re going to need to nurture your online presence. Grow an online audience by putting out regular content. Avenues such as a blog, a YouTube channel, a Facebook page and other social media listings will be invaluable in building your client base. A good rule of thumb to begin with is to focus on just two social media accounts and keep them updated with regular content. Doing two really well is much better than doing five poorly. This will help you to develop a relationship with your potential customers. Also it’s important to get testimonials from the people that you treat, this will really help potential clients to trust you and trust is very important in this particular sector. Building a good online profile is an ongoing, cyclical process that will build over time as a positive feedback loop. The more good reviews you get, the more clients will want to work with you which means the potential for more good reviews and more clients etc.
Bonus Tips
Also, I've made a concise video with my top 5 reasons to learn Kambo frog medicine:
1. Working with & healing people.
2. Becoming your own boss.
3. Making a difference with frog medicine. 4. Job Flexibility.
5. Learning to heal yourself.
So there you have it; 7 tips to guide you on your way to becoming a kambo practitioner. I can talk from experience because this is the process that I went through when I first started on this journey. At Planet Kambo we offer practitioner training so If you’d like to find out more about our course then click the link below. As mentioned above, don’t just take my word for it, do your research, make a comparison and see which option is the best fit for you.
Wishing you a joyful and abundant future with the frog.